Monday, October 21, 2013

For you Leeanne - The tricky block

This is why I had to stay behind after class!! Lots of concentration required. Whoops I haven't trimmed up yet.

This is what can be achieved when one has a quiet house to themselves for an hour on a Sunday morning. Husband still sleeping and no grandchildren staying over!! Loved doing these blocks Raewyn. They went together so well, thank you.

This is what greets me first thing in the morning when I look out my kitchen window. This wonderful old rose has an amazing perfume. The windows get opened wide so I can enjoy.

Have a great week all my fellow 'sisters'.


  1. Awesome block!!! Well done, it was tricky choosing 'just the right fabrics' yours looks great. Mmmmm I can smell those roses from here!

  2. Looking great Barb!! Pleased you enjoyed those blocks, something to rest the eye (and brain!!) on. Oohhhh I wonder what the rose is... I might have to ask ever so nicely for a cutting...?
