Thursday, October 30, 2014

thoughts while placing the last stitches..................

Just put the last stitch in the binding on my daughter's 21st quilt, will share more photo's once she has received the quilt.
As I was stitching I was thinking how lucky I am to work at a fabulous quilt shop, then I thought aren't we all lucky to have such a fabulous place to visit and feel happy just from being there!
Kerryn you have created a really lovely little community by having your lovely shop.

Just my evening thoughts!

Happy creating Sisters!


  1. Wonderful words and sentiments Leeanne :-)
    Looking forward to seeing more of your daughter's quilt!

  2. You sure had some great thoughts last night Leeanne. I fully support your sentiments. I look forward to seeing your daughter's quilt when you are able to reveal

  3. Thank you for your kind words Leeanne xx
