Friday, August 24, 2012

I've been thinking....

As soon as I saw this picture I knew what I wanted to do for my version of the Gollies quilt idea.
Yes a row-by-row!!
AS I see things I like I can do a row of them, rather than making a whole quilt of each.
(Unfortunately there are no instructions for this, only the photo).
What do you think?!


  1. Very cute ... but do you think you can just get away with one small row of gollies (and not even sure they are true gollies) as your "golly" quilt idea?? golly golly

  2. I love the idea!
    I was going to bail out....too many things to do as it is, but maybe I could do some & put into a ROW BY ROW quilt.......eventually of course :-/
