Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Yo Sisters!

It's Golly time!

My friend & customer Jenny gave me two quilts to work on for her, I thought you Golly fans might enjoy this one.

I would love to see some posts from you other sisters, maybe your piles of stuff you are gathering for retreat??

Hugs from your Sample Sister 'L'


  1. Hi Sample Sister 'L'

    I have just gone into 'our' blog site to post a message and found your wonderful Gollie quilt photo. Isn't it a real cutie. I know Di will just love it. You are going to have lots of fun quilting this one I bet. cheers Sample Sister 'B'

  2. I guess I could photograph my plastic scrap baskets as a "teaser" for retreat!!

  3. You are one talent we will be are so good with unique design...
