Monday, August 4, 2014

Rainy Day Achievements

Too wet to work outside and no family interruptions meant a great day of sewing for me yesterday.
First a finish.The last Breast of Friends block completed, now to start putting the quilt together
Second my Antique Quilt nearly there!
 The last of the blocks have been put together and now it just needs to be all joined up. The blocks have been joined since this photo so just the rows to go.

Finally a new start. The first block completed from the Friends and Companions Sewalong. Thank you (I think!) Raewyn for introducing me to Pam Buda's blog. Thank you Kerryn for guiding me with fabric choice, I am very happy with the outcome. A new block by a new designer is posted for the next 10 weeks so I look forward to seeing what comes next.

This is what Mother Nature dumped on us this afternoon!! A 10 minute hail storm, some of the hail was golf ball size. Brian and I were out working in the orchard and boy were we pelted. I think I will have a few bruises tomorrow.
The hail is still on the ground, 3 hours later. Have a great week all my fellow 'sisters'


  1. Wow Look at that hail! It looks like snow! yippie maybe winter has decided to hang around a bit longer! Great finishes Barbara. It's fun how you are happy to set yourself challenges with these SAL..........good luck & have fun.

  2. Gosh that hail is something else! Hope it hasn't done any damage? Great sewing and getting things done Barb! Good to see your new project too - I was tempted but will watch from afar :-)

  3. wow you are so busy. Love love the antique quilt. I have seen someone else do one and they are amazing.
